National number: 0861 644 728 | Cape Town: Tel: +27 (021) 419 0934 | Johannesburg: +27 (011) 593 3102 | Emergency Number: 0724 262 625

Subscribe before 01 February for our South African Immigration Handbook, which will be updated weekly, and benefit from an Early-Bird discount!

The South African Immigration Handbook, which started out as Training Manual, has now been put online, will be updated weekly and will be available from 1 February 2020 as a subscription and enquiry service. Apart from having access to up-to-date Legal Changes, Court Cases, Media Reports, Policy Documents and General Resources, subscribers will have access to Expert Opinions on particular issues and cases, on a confidential basis. If you are interested in a subscription for your company, please contact


Early bird discounts apply!

Offered by

Best wishes Leon Isaacson, CEO, Global Migration Group