National number: 0861 644 728 | Cape Town: Tel: +27 (021) 419 0934 | Johannesburg: +27 (011) 593 3102 | Emergency Number: 0724 262 625

Global Migration SA provides expert assistance with the Critical Skills Visa application process through our company.

The SA Economy has a shortage of skilled personnel in positions which have been identified on the Critical Skills list (Published 2014) as below.

If your skill/ profession is on the list below and you would like assistance with a visa which will allow you to find a job in South Africa, please contact us on with a copy of your current passport and CV.

The Skills required in South Africa are:

Business, Economics and Management Studies

Agricultural Engineer

Agricultural Scientist

Forestry Technician

Sheep Shearer


Construction Project Manager

Land Surveyor

Quantity Surveyor

Urban and Regional Planner

Actuaries and Risk Assessors

Corporate General Manager

External Auditor

Financial Investment Advisor

Information Communication & Technology

CISCO Solution Specialist

CISCO Engineers

Solutions Architects in Telecommunications and ICT

Integrated Developers (PHP, PERL, JAVA)

Network Analyst

IT Security Specialist

System Integration Specialist

Enterprise Architects

Data Centre Operations

Network Specialist (Security)

Database Specialist

Microsoft System Engineers

Network Controllers

AV Specialist (Anti-virus)

Desktop Support Engineer


Energy Engineer

Metallurgical Engineer

Chemical Engineer

Civil Engineer

Electrical Engineer

Electrical Installation Inspector

Electronics Engineer


Industrial and Production Engineers

Industrial Designer

Manufacturing Managers

Materials Engineer

Mechanical Engineer

Mining Engineer

Production/Operations Manager

Quality System Manager

Research and Development Manager

Ship’s Engineer

Telecommunications Engineers

Electrical Engineering Technologist

Energy Engineering Technologist

Mechanical Engineering Technologist

Metallurgical Engineering Technologist

Mining Engineering Technologist

Air Conditioning and Mechanical Services Plumber

Automotive Electrician

Automotive Motor Mechanic

Boiler Maker

Chemical Engineering Technologist

Civil Engineering Technologist

Diesel Mechanic

Electronics Engineering Technologist

Fitter and Turner

Materials Engineering Technologist

Mechatronics Technician

Metal Fabricator

Physical and Engineering Science Technicians

Pressure Welder

Structural Plaster


Health Professions and Related Clinical Sciences

Medical Superintendant/Public Health Manager

Public Health Physician

General and Specialist Medical Practitioner

Hospital Pharmacist

Nursing Professionals


Registered Nurse (child and family health)

Retail Pharmacist

Life and Earth Sciences

Environmental Engineers

Environmental Manager

Industrial Pharmacist

Aquatic Scientist

Animal Scientist

Advanced Composites Engineering

Archaeological/Paleontological Specialist





Biological Scientist

Botanical Scientist

Chemical Scientist

Computational Biologist

Environmental Scientist

Ecological Scientist

Food Scientist

Engineering Geologist


Geohazards Specialist



Laboratory Technologist and Technician

Marine Bioscientist

Materials Scientist

Metallurgical Scientist


Microbiological Scientist

Polymer Scientist

Protein Scientist


Soil Scientist

Toxicology Scientist

Water Resource Scientist

Professionals and Associate Professional

Land and Engineering Surveyors

Electronic Engineering Technician

Materials Engineering Technologist

Electrical Engineering Technician

Safety, Health, Environment and Quality Practitioner


Mechanical Engineering Technician

Chemical Engineering Technician

Organisation and Methods Analyst (Incl. scheduler, estimator)

Surveying Technician

Geomatics Technician

Quantity Surveying Technician

Civil Engineering Technician

Materials Engineer Non-destructive Testing (NDT)

Materials Engineering Technician – Road materials

Materials Tester

Construction Safety, Health, Environment and Quality (SHEQ) Agent/Manager/Officer

Aeronautical Engineering

Architectural Senior Technologist

Architectural Draughtsperson


Physicist (SKA)

Geomagnetic Physicist

Solar Physicist

Space Physicist

Plasma Physicist

Space Technologist

Space Weather Specialist

Magnetic Technology Specialist

Radar Engineering

Radio Frequency Engineering

Environmental Technologist

Industrial Engineer

Industrial Engineering Technologist

Industrial Engineering Technician

Landscape Architect

Landscape Contract Manager

Landscape Horticulturalist

Mining Technician



Boilermaker (For Strategic Infrastructure Projects)

Industrial Machinery Mechanic

Pipe Fitter

Double Coded Welder



Raise-bore Operators

Raise-bore Foreman

Business Process Outsourcing (BPO)

Software Development Engineers and Managers

Systems Architects, Engineers and Managers

Foreign Language speakers for specialist language support and technical or sales support (German, Swiss German, Flemish, Greek, Swedish, Danish, Italian, Dutch, Spanish, Mandarin and French)

Business Analyst

Quality Analyst

Quality Assurance Specialist/Auditor

Customer Service Manager/Team Lead

Academics and Researchers

Doctoral Graduates (Acquired Abroad)

Research in any of the following areas;

Galaxy Formation and Evolution

Galaxy Structure and Dynamics

Pulsars and Black Holes

Pulsars and Black Holes

Pulsars and Gravitational Waves

Deep Observations of the earliest Radio Galaxies

Dynamic and Transient Burst

VLBI Operations

Search for CO to investigate role of Molecular Hydrogen

Deep Surveyors of Neutral Hydrogen Gas in the Early Universe

Cosmology and Dark Energy

Cosmic Magnetism

Calibration and Imaging of Radio Interferometer data

Pulsar Research

Pulsar and Gravitational Waves

VLBI Operations

Signal Processing

Observational Radio Astronomy in General

Algorithm for Radio Astronomy

Signal Processing for Radio Astronomy

Supercomputing for Radio Astronomy

Software Development for Radio Astronomy

Data and Streaming- Real-Time Processing of Massive Data Amounts

Green Computing- Extreme Performance at Minor Energy Cost

Performance at Minor Energy Costs

EMC and Spectrum Management

Beam Modelling

Antenna Modelling

Feeds for Radio Astronomy Systems

Receivers for Radio Astronomy Systems

Signal Processing for Radio Astronomy

High Speed Data Transport

Nano-photonics-Data Transport Power



Reduction over Short and Long Distances

Antenna Design

Antenna Foundation Design

RFI Shielded Buildings and Facilities

Advanced Manufacturing

Space Science and Technology

Global Change

Energy Security

Information Communication Technology

Earth Observation

Natural and Applied Sciences

If your skill is on this list email us at for further information and assistance.

Offered by

Best wishes Leon Isaacson, CEO, Global Migration Group